Wissenschaftliche Arbeit und Forschung
Boehm, F., Meffert, H. and Bauer, E.:PUVA-therapy damages psoriatic and normal lymphoid cells within milliseconds. Arch dermatol. Res. 279 (1986) 16-19
Boehm, F.: Die Wirkung der Photochemotherapie mit 8-Methoxypsoralen und langwelliger ultravioletter Strahlung auf zelluläre Membranen. Berlin 1986, Humboldt-Universität, Habilitationsschrift
Boehm, F.: Ein einfaches Verfahren zur Isolierung, Separation und Kultivierung von menschlichen Keratinozyten. Dermatol. Monatsschr. 172 (1986) 14-22
Boehm, F., Wenzel, Mareike and Gerhardt, H.J.: Cultivation of ethmoidal sinus ciliated epithelia. Acta Otolaryngologica (Stockh.) 108 (1989) 136-141
Boehm, F., Wenzel, Mareike and Gerhardt, H.J.: Proliferation and differentiation of human ciliated epithelia on PTFE-posthesis. In: Planck, H.,Danner, M. and Renardy, M. (ed.): Medical textiles for implantation. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1990, pp. 285-291
Boehm, Kirsten, Gerhardt, H.J., Kaschke, O., Winter, H., Boehm, F., Sönnichsen, N. und Neumann, S.: Wundverschluß mit Zellsuspension im Haut- und Schleimhautbereich. Dermatol. Monatsschr. 178 (1992) 22-26
Rancan, Fiorenza, Rosan, Stefania, Boehm, Kirsten, Fernandez, E., Hidalgo, Eliana, Quihot, Wanda, Rubio, Cecilia, Boehm, F., Piazena, H. and Oltmanns, Ute: Protection against UVB irradiation by natural filters extracted from lichens. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol. 68 (2002) 133-139
Boehm, F., Clarke, Kristy, Edge, Ruth, Fernandez, E., Navaratnam, S., Quilhot, Wanda, Rancan, Fiorenza and Truscott, T. G.: Lichens – Photophysical studies of potential new sunscreens. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol. 95 (2009) 40-45
Rancan, Fiorenza, Rosan, Stefania, Boehm, Kirsten, Fernandez, E., Hidalgo, Eliana, Quihot, Wanda, Rubio, Cecilia, Boehm, F., Piazena, H. and Oltmanns, Ute: Protection against UVB irradiation by natural filters extracted from lichens. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol. 68 (2002) 133-139
Boehm, F., Clarke, Kristy, Edge, Ruth, Fernandez, E., Navaratnam, S., Quilhot, Wanda, Rancan, Fiorenza and Truscott, T. G.: Lichens – Photophysical studies of potential new sunscreens. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol. 95 (2009) 40-45
Boehm, F., Marsden, G., Truscott, T.G. and Wayne, R.P.: Fourier transform detection of singlet oxygen and fluorescence from cell membrane bound porphyrins. J. Chem. Society/Faraday transactions 90 (1994) 2453-2454
Boehm, F.: Cell protection by antioxidants against NOX, UVA and UVB. Photochem. Photobiol. 65 (1997) 69 S
Boehm, F., Edge, Ruth, Burke, M. and Truscott, T.G.: Dietary uptake of lycopene protects human cells from singlet oxygen and nitrogen dioxide – ROS components from cigarette smoke. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol. 64 (2001) 176-178
Boehm, F., Edge, Ruth and Truscott, T. G.: Interactions of dietary carotenoids with activated (singlet) oxygen and free radicals: Potential effects for human health. (Review) Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 56 (2012) 205-216
Boehm, Kirsten, Tribius, Steffi and Boehm, F.:Cytotoxic damage of human fibroblasts and skin cells by Titanium dioxide. Photochem. Photobiol. 61 (1995) 18 S
Boehm, F., Meffert, H. and Tribius, Steffi: Hazards of sunscreens – Cytotoxic properties of micronized titandioxide. In: Holick, M.F. and Jung, E.G. (ed.): Biologic effects of light 1995. de Gruyter Verlag, Berlin, 1996, pp.446-451
Andrae, Ines, Bringhen, A., Boehm, F., Gonzenbach, H., Hill, Tessa, Mulroy, Louise and Truscott, T.G.: A UVA filter (BM-DBM): photoprotection reflects photophysical properties. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol. 37 (1997) 147-150